Saturday, October 27, 2007

New Blog In Our Class

I was slept in On Monday, because I did my assignment very late on last night. So I lost my grammar class, but I borrowed the book of correct my homework.

However, the W&R class had a big assignment and I think it will be very difficult. We need to choose one book and read it . I'm not sure what we need do. Maybe in a few day, I'll know what can I do.

I made a blog in our class, so I want to write something every week. I had a conversation show in level 4 class. It was very good and everybody was well down on wednesday.

We need brought some food on Thursday, because we had a potluck party in our class. After school , I went to Chinese supermarket and bought something. I bought chicken, small cakes and fruit. Then, I ate a Tiramisu cake at restaurant, it was delicious and cheap. Last, I went to Halloween store and looked some cloths for the party. But I dislike any cloths in the store.

On Thursday, I was surprised, because everyone brought many food in our class. We had different country food. For example, Korea, Taiwanese, Japanese, Mexico, Canadian...etc.
It was delicious, everyone was so full and happy. We had a wonderful day in this day.

The Halloween party was a litte boring, but everyone looked very good of make up. I just ate something and went to my home so early. I hope everyone was happy in the party.


Tewz said...

your blog so V V good i thing i am bored in that party but it is ok because everyone were happy . So i want to make my blog more same + make new every week maybe if i have time 2-3 time / week
see you little girlz .

Mina said...


Who are u? are u my ESl classmates?

Tewz said...

o@HoI am tew are you remeber me ?
you always didn't talk with me .
It like don't have me in that class . = = " hahaha

Mina said...

ha~sure I know you, I think you think too much. I am so happy you visit my blog^^ see u tomorrow

Marcy said...

Your blog looks awesome and it is a great example of what this blog should be used for. Keep up the good work.

yangyang said...

hi mina your blog is so beautiful!like it!and you photo is great! your life is colorful in taiwan

yapy said...

Hi, spy? This is Yapy.
I'm a student in Kristi's class.
I saw your comments in Kristi's blog. So I can visit your blog. Your blog is really nice.
Good to see you. Bye~

Silver♡ said...

Hi! mina!!
Thank you for visiting my blog~!!
I was really tired this afternoon class. I will take a rest from now!! Have a good night Mina!
see you tomorrow~~:D

Homey said...

Thank you for your visit and your response.
your blog is very nice. I think i need to upgrade my blog like yours.
I don't know what i say. now I'm drunk. so I might not remember this. Never mind!!

Kristi said...

Wow! Your pictures are so beautiful! I didn't realize you were a model in your country. How long have you been modeling? Was it a part-time thing?

~.Emmanuel.~ said...

woW mina...!
really your blog its great...!
hey I like your picture...!
are you model or something?
hey... the last party "halloween party" was good...
hey I'm sorry but I forgot which was your costume...
anyway you always so nice...!
mmm... I need make a dinner just now...!
see you tomorrow...!
hey again I tell you... very nice blog...!

Ra'ed said...

hello Mina your blog is great and your assignment is very good and your pictures is very beautiful.